Ick. Just ick. No other words, just ick.
Okay, maybe a few words other than, well, you get it by now.
So, the ranch rodeo?? It was ok, we did better than we expected, not as well as we had hoped.
I've been riding Woodrow, actually entered a barrel race last Sunday. Didn't make a great first barrel, but the second and third were awesome. We ran a 16.1, which I thought was great for our first time entering. We did have a few little kinks, but it was a short pattern so we made it up pretty easy. I was ecstatic after we came out of the arena, it had been so long since I had been good at something! I'm still entered for the big amateur rodeo, and I also entered an even bigger 6D jackpot for the same weekend. I'm up during the week for the amateur rodeo, and then up Saturday for the jackpot. I hope I can work all the kinks out of ME before then. I'm having a heckuva time remembering to sit up and R_I_D_E!!!! I went to a little playday last night, and didn't make real good runs. I entered us in the barrels and poles....I made a decent first barrel, hit the second, and went a little too wide on the third. I'm struggling with giving him the right size pocket, and getting over myself and letting him work. He has a solid pattern, he WILL NOT run by a barrel or a pole, but I can't help but try to shut him down before he starts to turn. He's so quick that I get a big case of the Chicken Shits, and my heart shrinks to the size of my little finger! I can tell it frusterating my horse--heck, it's frusterating me!!
I suppose the only thing to do is to get off my butt and ride him. I was embarrassed last night....
Jeeze. I'm cranky this morning because of last night, and I genuinely feel like crap! LOL
I spent my day cleaning on my house yesterday, I don't think I'm going to do much of anything today...maybe ride this evening here at home.....Hmm....BLAH! Oh yeah, and--ICK!!
Let's Get to It
5 years ago