I'm the sort of girl that jumps into stuff feet first, eyes shut, fingers clamped over my nose, praying I'll be able to see the bubbles and figure out which way is up!!!
That being said, I'll get to the central topic here. I entered a BIG BIG BIG amateur rodeo.
On Woodrow. I entered the barrel race AND the pole bending. I've ridden Woodrow a total of 3 times now...Jeez. I really hope I'm not going to push him too hard, I'm trying to be patient about this, but goodness it's hard to do. If I have to, I'll ride my other horse just for the heck of it. It's not like he couldn't use the trip to town! I'm hoping between now and then I'll be able to really get in the groove of things with Woodrow, and that he'll be ready when the time comes.
We've just been walking and trotting these last few nights, simple stuff really.
I even had my husband ride him around night before last, he thinks he needs more, "Manners".
Yeah, I'll keep you posted on how that goes! Jeez-he backs up crooked once, and he's a dink for life! I had to remind him, "He's a B_A_R_R_E_L Horse! He hasn't had to work for a living like our other two horses have, he just doesn't know any better!"
SO, any who, this should be fun!
I can even START to express how excited I am for this women's ranch rodeo! I know all of the girls on my team are excited, too! I am so ready to get back into the competition aspect of things. Four years--It's been over four years since I've entered anything. That would astound the 18 year old me, that I would go that long without entering anything! Oh sure, there were times back then that I'd be short on funds, and would go a few weeks without hauling to anything, but it sure was never as long as this last spell! I'm just giddy over it! I don't know how else to describe it...I'm a little nervous, but I'm not a nervous person by nature. I think it's more the anticipation that has me all amped up, not really nerves so much. That whole weekend is going to be a blast-
A barbecue and dance to kick it all off, then a day full of ranch rodeos, then the big event...
the memorial steer roping. The steer roping is near and dear to my little ole heart because it's a memorial roping for my Grandad. Ironic really, the arena it's being held at was named in honor of my uncle, and the roping is for my Grandad. Well, anyway, here's to barrel races and ranch rodeos, and many great rides in between!
Let's Get to It
5 years ago
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